A One of the easiest ways that you can incorporate the principles of green living into your everyday life is by installing a Solar Hot Water Heater at your home. Hot water accounts for a big percentage of the energy consumption in the typical home. These heaters are a very effective method of using natural energy to save you money on your energy bills. There are hundreds of designs available to fit any budget

Electrical safety audits indicate the health of the electrical system. Periodic electrical inspection is recommended by statutory authorities as a means of assuring that the electrical system still continue to offer a safe and reliable electricity supply. We extend our services from domestic, institutional, commercial and industrial facility not leaving explosive atmosphere including petrol filling stations, fuel depots and other flammable packaging and selling facility

Our Eco Smart Home System ensures that the solar power you produce is used in the best possible way and, as an option, stored. You can cover an especially large portion of your energy needs and gain greater independence, for example from rising energy costs. Besides offering great financial benefits improved energy efficiency and greater independence from rising electricity rates, a Smart Home also provides homeowners with a completely transparent energy budget.

Looking for ways to Save Energy costs? Looking to invest in an Energy System for your own Consumption? Look no further than Texas Energy! There is a simple, reliable and low-cost solution for decentralized energy supply: PV-powered off-grid systems. They can be used to build stable, decentralized power distribution grids in remote locations not connected to the public power grid/want to be energy independent.

Texas Solutech Co. Ltd Offers state of the art electrical safety training intended to equip the electrical personnel in your company with vital skills to avoid obvious electrical related incidents, accidents, near missed and fatal accidents.

Having undertaken the indicated works for Rural Electrification Authority (REA) now Rural Electrification & Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC), Texas Solutech Co ltd stands well in the experience of electricity generation and transmission. As such, construction of both Low and High Voltage Transmission lines are works well within our capability, as we boast of competent and experienced staff accompanied by the requisite tools and equipment.

Our Solar Water Pumping System/Waterbox is specially designed for water supply and irrigation especially in remote areas where no reliable electricity supply is available It is a complete “Plug & Play” solution for the simplest installation of a solar borehole pumping system: the smart solution to enable any user to create a solar water pumping system anywhere this may be required. The System can extract water from a borehole, lake, and river. It is based on a photovoltaic solar system for the extraction of water.
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